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Warm Home Discount Scheme Applications

Forms for the Warm Home Discount scheme are now available online for 2014/15.

Please follow the link below:

Applied Suicide Intervention Training (ASIST) training places available

The next Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) 2-day course will take place on Monday 9th (12.30-5pm) and Tuesday 10th June (9am - 3.30pm), at the Clinical Skills Area, at the Western Isles Hospital.

NHS 24- New freephone number now in use

A new freephone number has been introduced for the NHS 24 non-emergency helpline in Scotland.

People can now dial 111 rather than the previous 11-digit number to receive medical advice.

In the past, callers paid the price of a local call from a landline but mobile users often faced much higher charges.

The change brings Scotland into line with England, which has been using the 111 number since February.

EGM date May 14th 10.30am

An Extraordinary General Meeting of Westrern Isles Association for Mental Health is to be held at Catch 23 (23 Bayhead, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis) to ratify our proposed conversion from a Company Limited by Guarantee to a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO).

constant realities and changing ideas

This article is an extract from the WIAMH Annual Review for 2013, published this week.


It seems inevitable that every few years voluntary organisations must reinvent themselves, supposedly to adjust to changing circumstances.  This is odd, because in our case at least, the circumstances which change are not our main focus.  Individuals’ states of health or illness may come and go, but the existence of mental illness, like other states of health, has been a constant factor since people started living long enough to avoid being someone else’s dinner.

What changes is organisational fashion and legal context, and for these reasons, WIAMH is now at the end of its third incarnation, as a charitable company, and the committee are now decided that we should reform as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO).  This is not entirely a new idea – indeed, questions about the advantages of Company status have been around since our incorporation.  You’d be forgiven for thinking that the only constant factor in our history has been working out the next change.  But I say again:  The real constant factor is the states of ill health we seek to alleviate.

Beware of Online Scamming!!

With Christmas rapidly approaching, many people will be buying or receiving new technology in the form of smartphones, tablets, laptops etc. With this technology comes a range of hidden dangers that can leave a victim seriously out of pocket and having their identity stolen.

In light of this we have attached a brief Christmas guide by Professor Alan Woodward of the University of Surrey which highlight several of the common 'Cyber Scams' that are being used against unsuspecting victims.

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